When you scroll through internet news and advertisements, one thing which remains dominant is people’s obsession with looks. Has technology made it dangerously obsessive for people? This article by Rajul Tiwari investigates the situation.
The huge beauty, wellness and apparel market is running because of women. It is said that a woman’s beauty is her first pride and then come her children. There are exceptions to this outlook but when we look at the social media nowadays, our senses nearly block with pictures and videos flooding the timelines with ‘perfect’ beauties. So much so that most of the girls there look-like replica of each other, thanks to the make-up.
I met a young girl yesterday in metro. Her group was taking group selfie and she just opted out of the photo, not because she didn’t wish to have fun but because her presence in the picture might make her look bad in front of her stylish friends! I talked to her and she told me that she is a scholar, and she doesn’t feel that she is good at ‘looking’ good. Later, I observed that she was the most fun and whole of the group almost revolved around her! This is one of the sad realities of digital age.
As if the beauty norms set by society for women were not enough that this generation is falling into the black hole of fake beauty. Many businesses and even apps are running and making profit, cashing upon this insecurity of young women. Leave alone the young women, even older generations are entrapped into looking over the top beautiful, keeping aside their originality. They are using extra filters to tweak their features! They are never contented because they fear the disapproval of their online followers, fans and even friends. Celebrities are no exceptions to this. In fact, influencers and celebrities add to this insecurity among the masses and fan this complex.
And irony is that no one wants to address this topic. No one is willing to bring this awareness in people and society that looking your best and looking unreasonably made up to match up the fake digital standards are two different things. Trollers on social media platforms like Instagram just strip people out of their sanity and confidence. So, people there try hard to ‘look’ extra-beautiful, extra-perfect and extraordinary no matter if they are doing something extraordinary in their real life or not.
Women are more susceptible and vulnerable to this trap than men. The reason why no one wants this obsession to finish is because industries are making money on it. Even if we leave digital industry behind, we have cosmetology clinics outside of it. Here, they lure people to ‘enhance’ their looks. There are people who actually need it but most of the people who go there are rich and are not satisfied with how they look. This obsession, also, is linked to their appearance on their social media accounts in the end. Women are going to the extent that they want to change their bodies and face unnaturally.
This obsession is turning into mental disease in which women develop a complex of not conforming to social and digital standards when it comes to their looks. Such ladies shut themselves down and some of them are bullied and instigated so much so that they even try to take their lives. This mental handicap must be stopped and we need to be our natural gorgeous selves whether on digital platforms or in real. It is a human tendency to deck up but that should only remain to the state of ‘getting ready’ and not ‘not feeling ready’ for an occasion, event or digital post! It is high time that we know the difference.
Experienced English Department Chair with a demonstrated history of working in the digital, writing and editing industry. Award winning contributions to her field. Strong educational background and professionally skilled in Writing, Content/Creative Writing, Corporate Communications, and Digital Management. Mentor to media and communication businesses / individuals with her influential credibility and expertise. She is now a faculty at JIMMC, Noida and trains students in her field of expertise.